Return Policy

You can return within 7 days of receiving an item ordered from us. If you opt to return via post, tracking number or item must reach our team within 7 days. Any late submission of items or tracking number will not be entertained. 

You MAY return for exchange :

  • All items must be returned to us undamaged, unsoiled, unwashed, unaltered, and unworn.
  • All items must be returned in the original selling condition and include the original product packaging, price tags, and labels.
  • Items that are damaged, marked or found to have manufacturing error is acceptable for return and exchange. New item in good condition or other item with same purchased value will be returned to the customer.
  • Items purchased does not fit or look good on customer (shipping fee will be charge).

You MAY NOT return for exchange :

  • Pre-order items.
  • Sale items or reduced price items do not qualify for any exchanging, returns nor refunds. All sale/discount/reduced items are final. 
  • Damaged, washed, altered, and worn item(s) are not returnable by any chance.
  • Please do note that any order purchased from Agent is not under Audrabella responsibility.

Refund Policy

Customer will get their full refund in the event of :

  • The customer received a parcel with a missing item/faulty item.
  • Item ordered is out of stock.
  • It will take a maximum from 3-5 working days to process.

Contact our team with the details.

  • Order ID (#XXXXXX)
  • The matter of the issue (defective/faulty)
  • Pictures or videos, whichever applicable
  • Opt for Full Refund / Exchange with same value item (s). Please provide your banking details to ease the refund processes.